Rue-Si Dat Ton Training at the Wat Pho Massage School | Thai Yoga

 Date Updated: Jan 22, 2025

Rue-Si Dat Ton Thai Yoga Training at the Wat Pho Massage School

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Apart from being the best known Thai Massage School in the world, the Wat Pho Medical Massage School in Bangkok, Thailand, together with the Wat Pho temple, has been actively promoting Rue-Si Dat Ton for years already.

Proof of this are the famous Rue-Si Dat Ton Yogic statues in the Wat Pho temple garden (recently renewed, but dating already from the 18th century), the free daily Reusi Dat Ton morning classes, promotional videos on YouTube, encouragement of knowledge of the 18 standing Reu-Si Dat Ton Hermit Exercises (a set compiled by Wat Pho for the general public), and last but not least, their own Reu-Si Dat Ton training course offering.

Watpo’s Ascetic Self-Stretching Course

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eBook + Video - Wat Pho’s Rue-Si Datton Ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises

In the Ascetic Self-Stretching (Rue-Si Datton) Course at the Wat Pho Medical Massage School you will study the theory and practice of Rue-Si Datton which promotes health and active remedies for various body discomforts and disorders.

This course (actually a one-day workshop of about five hours) is the general exercise series of 18 postures. It is suitable to practice by every one of all ages.

@ WatPo TTM (Tha-Tien) | Bangkok Center
The full series of Rue-Si Datton (as promoted by Wat Pho) consists of 80 postures that range from sitting, kneeling, and lying poses to standing poses and this set of 18 is a compilation of several standing Thai Yoga exercises.

The training course is given every first Sunday and third Sunday of the month and has a duration of 1 day (5 hours). The class hours are from 09.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 15.00
The location is at WatPo TTM (Tha-Tien), Bangkok.

@ Salaya
Additionally, Watpo operates the Chetawan Health Center in Salaya (in the outskirts of Bangkok) being part of the Wat Po Medical Massage School and Chetawan group. The Salaya center offers long-stay, retreat-like Thai Massage on-site therapy training and programs, including Rue-Si Datton.

@ Watpo Sukhumvit
The Watpo Sukhumvit Branch also offers the same Reusi Datton ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises training as the Watpo TTM (tha-Tien) branch, but is mainly focused on Japanese students.

A Personal note:
When I took this course at Wat Pho we repeated the set of 18 sequences a total of four times: two times in the morning and two times in the afternoon. We started the course with some theory. Additionally, I got a text book with pictures accompanying the course (by the way, the book was like half in Thai, half in English).

This course book can be bought separately also at the Wat Pho school building.

Our eLearning Course

For those who can’t visit Thailand or the Wat Pho school and would like to know what these 18 Hermit Yoga Excercises are about, we have published a Video Workshop (Video + eBook) that thoroughly explains and teaches the set.


Some nice and interesting promotional videos selected of Wat Pho and Rue-Si Datton:

Wat Pho Massage & Rue-Si Datton
In this video you can see Ms. Rusorn from Wat Pho, my teacher at the time, doing some Rue-Si Datton exercises. Filmed at the Wat Pho temple grounds.

The Hermit’s Art of Healing – Self Physical Healing – Part 1
In this video you can clearly observe the relation of Rue-si Datton with Thai Dance. Very nice and instructive compilation. Filmed at the Wat Pho temple grounds. Includes sitting, kneeling and lying exercises.

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