This Rusie Datton sequence contains 2 individual exercises (one done to left side of your body and one to the right side) and is one of the 18 Wat Po Rusie Datton Self-Stretching sequences (no. 6). The official name of this exercise, as labeled by Wat Po, is Relief of Chest and Waist Discomfort.
Goals & Benefits
These exercises help to relieve waist, chest (breast), neck, and shoulder pain. They open up the chest and strengthen the legs (front of the thighs, feet, ankles and knees). They furthermore stretch the hips, calves, and the hamstrings.
Muscle Engagement
Stretches of the Sternocleidomastoid, Pectoralis Major, Internal Abdominal Oblique, External Abdominal Oblique, Gastrocsoleus Complex, and Hamstrings.
Exercising and strengthening the Quadriceps Femoris, Knees, Tibialis Anterior, Erector Spine, Internal Abdominal Oblique, and External Abdominal Oblique muscles.
Precautions & Contraindications
In any case, make sure there are no objections from your personal physician or other health professional to do Thai Yoga Rusie Datton. Furthermore, it’s not advised to do this exercise if you have herniated spinal discs, osteoarthritis of the knees, brachial plexus injury, and/or vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Be careful after a hip or knee operation.
How to Perform the Exercises
Choose your breathing technique, and choose if you will use power or not while doing the exercises.

Each of the two individual exercises listed below (one is with the right leg in front of you and the other with the left leg in front of you) is repeated twice (or more if you like).
- Place left thumb behind the back and lean with the hand on the hip, right hand in Egyptian style side-above the head. Lean forwards bending the right knee. Twist (rotate) the body and the head and look up. Open up the chest and shoulders moving the right arm as far as possible to the right. Stay 3 seconds in the pose.
- Place right thumb behind the back and lean with the hand on the hip, left hand in Egyptian style side-above the head. Lean forwards bending the left knee. Twist (rotate) the body and the head to the right and look up. Open up the chest and shoulders moving the left arm as far as possible to the left. Stay 3 seconds in the pose.
To learn more about the theoretical and practical know-how of doing the official 18 Wat Pho Ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises, you can check out our Video Workshop with lots of info and more than 150 clear, detailed photos of each pose, just like the ones on this article.
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