Thought to be an ancient Taoist technique, the Scrotum Pull or Testes Pull can be used as a tool to prevent (premature) ejaculation, that is, an ejaculative orgasm. It can also be used as a technique in Semen Retention practices.

The core idea behind the technique is to pull the scrotum down and the testes away from the body. It’s thought that this diminishes the immediate urge to ejaculate.
The technique is carried out by wrapping the thumb and index finger round the base of your scrotum (like an okay-sign) and then firmly but gently pulling it down (in a direction away from the body) when you feel the urge to ejaculate.
The Scrotum Pull should be practiced regularly for several weeks before you will be able to avoid or delay ejaculation during sexual intercourse for a longer period without the help of the technique.
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