SEA Bodywork | Thai Massage in Chiang Mai

 Published: Jun 14, 2019 | Revised: Oct 31, 2023

SEA Bodywork | Chiang Mai | Review

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SEA Bodywork (Structural Energy Awakening) in Chiang Mai (currently also active in California, USA) was founded in 2009 by Mike Tan, and combines an Oriental approach of therapeutic energy bodywork and a Western approach of body assessment, treatment, and rebalancing.

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Mike, a native from the USA, is a specialist in Sen Line theory and practice, having studied for several years with Ajarn Poo who taught the Khmer (Angkor) Energy Lines to heal problems in the body.

In his trainings, Mike draws from all he has learned about the body in terms of structural alignment and energy flow and blockages. He has been influenced by Classical Western Massage approaches, Asokananda’s Sunshine Network Lineage, Ajarn Poo, Wi Manuel, and Osteothai, among other teachers and lineages.

Additionally, Mike regularly offers special workshops at the Sunshine Massage School in Chiang Mai and so-called weekly Body Rolling and Myofascial Release classes at his place.

Training Courses

  • Structural Energy Lines (5 days, 30 hours)
  • SEA Foundations (5 days, 30 hours)
  • SEA Intermediate (5 days, 30 hours)
  • Body Assessment, Treatment & Rebalancing (5 days, 30 hours)
  • Body Rolling and Myofascial Release (90-min weekly classes)

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