Service Provider Ads – Free and Paid Options

Thank you for your interest in advertising your business and service offerings on our website.

Here further below you’ll find our publishing conditions for:

Note for listing posts: if your business offers multiple treatment and/or training services in multiple places or countries, it will automatically appear in all our service provider listing posts that cover those service modalities and places/countries.

Business Inclusion (Free)

  • Send us an email with your company/business name, website addresses (or social media internet addresses), what kind of services you supply (treatments and/or training), and in what countries and places you operate.
  • Let us know in which of our posts/listings you’d like to be mentioned (please send us the links).
  • After receiving your email, we’ll add your business info within 24 hours in our database and subsequently send you an email with the links of the posts you’re mentioned in and a link to your profile page.
  • After that, please verify your business information on our website and let us know if all is fine or if something needs to be updated.
  • If your business information changes in the future or if you want us to delete your business profile, just send us an email and we’ll make it happen.

Business Description + Ad Image, Video, or Logo (Paid)

  • In addition to a free inclusion in our listings you can also opt to supply a concise business description and an image, video, or logo, which will be displayed in the applicable posts and on your profile page.
  • Your image or logo will be clickable/tappable containing a link to your website. Videos can be watched.
  • As an example you can see how we display an Ad Video for the Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical and Massage School in our posts Thai Midwifery Training and Courses in Bangkok and Thai Herbal Ball Compress Massage Courses in Bangkok.
    Note that the massage school is automatically listed in both posts, because the school offers Thai Midwifery courses and Herbal Ball Massage courses. To see the full Wat Pho’s profile page, just click/tap on [More details … ] below the Wat Po Massage School description.
  • Another example with an Ad Image + Business Description can be seen for the Epicure Club in our post Tantra Massage Treatments Providers in Cape Town. To see the full Epicure Club profile page, just click/tap on [More details … ] below the Epicure Club establishment description.
  • The price for a permanent (lifetime) Business Description + Ad Image, Video, or Logo is USD $50.
  • After placement, you can always ask us to update the description or change your image, video, or logo. It’s for free, and you can request this at any moment that suits you.
  • Mind that videos on YouTube and such can be of any length. On the other hand, if you rather prefer to deliver us an MP4 video file, it shouldn’t be longer than about 2-3 minutes and not a file larger than about 50 MB.

Website-Wide Ad Image Advertising for Topics (Paid)

  • We can place a Website-Wide Ad Image/Banner on top of each of our posts that matches a topic of your choice. For instance, we can display your Ad on all our posts about “Tantra” or “Thai Massage” or about “Body De-Armoring” and so on. In addition, we’ll also place your Ad Image on our Homepage.
  • Your Ad Image will be clickable/tappable containing a link to your website or any other Internet destination.
  • You may want to place this type of Ad to advertise for your online courses and workshops or your product and services, or simply for your company as a whole, or perhaps you want to advertise for an upcoming event.
  • An example of how we implement this can be seen in our post Getting Around in Thailand – An Overview of Transport Options. At the top of this post you can see the “Amazing Thailand” Ad for the Tourism Authority of Thailand.
  • Website-Wide Ad Image Advertising can be placed for minimal 1 month, but longer is also possible.
  • The price is USD $50 for 1 month. For more months we offer a discount of 20% on the total price. An example: placing your Ad for 3 months would cost 3 x USD $50 = USD $150 (-20%) = USD $120.
  • If you need help with designing your Ad Image, just let us know (it’s for free).

Publishing and Payment

  • After we’ve published your advertising content we’ll send you an email with a link to the applicable Ad pages/posts so that you can verify the publication and see if it meets your expectations.
  • If you chose one of the paid options, we kindly ask you to pay us through PayPal. We’ll supply you with our PayPal ID. You can also request a PayPal invoice, if you prefer.

If you feel that you need more info or have any particular question, please contact us at