Taikyo Shiatsu therapy was developed by Ping Lee, and integrates Taoist and Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts, Tai Chi, Qigong, Yin-Yang approaches, and Zen Shiatsu techniques.

This style of Shiatsu is known for its “wave-like” motions based on movements used in Tai Chi, Qigong, and traditional martial arts. The modality focuses on stretching the Meridians as a whole, rather than on acupressure given to specific Tsubo pressure points.
The wave-techniques performed visualize Ki Life Energy as an ocean wave forming (potential), reaching the highest crest, falling (kinetic), and subsequently expanding (distribution) through the body.
Massage techniques used include gentle stretches, meditation, breathing techniques, and energy channeling. Taikyo Shiatsu can be carried out on a floor mat, on a massage chair, or on a massage table.
Ping Lee also emphasized certain essentials to achieve optimum efficiency for the Shiatsu Massage practitioner’s work, such as the state of one’s spirit, intent, calmness, posture and body positioning, presence, intuition, breathing method, and simplicity i.e. unpretentiousness.
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