In this post, you’ll find an overview of Tantric coaching and massage therapists in the Ottawa and Gatineau area, which are neighbouring cities near the Ontario and Quebec border, Canada.
Tantric Coaching is typically an embodied practice, one that approaches Tantra from a holistic and somatic viewpoint by integrating mind-body aspects to support people in overcoming physical and emotional difficulties in their sex lives, and again finding joy and pleasure in life and in their relationships.
The domains embarked on within Tantra Coaching depend on the issues or needs of clients (individuals or couples), which may include physical aspects of sexuality and lovemaking, intimacy and relationship issues, sexual anatomy, orgasms, masturbation, spirituality, consent and boundaries, trauma release and sexual healing, gender and LGBTQ+ issues, and/or sexual dysfunctions (genital pains, vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc.), among other topics.
Embodied somatic practices in Tantra are rather diverse, and may include Tantra Massage (such as Yoni Massage, Lingam Massage, and Sacred Spot Massage), Tantric Breathwork, Tantric rituals and ceremonies (such as Tantric Eye-Gazing, Tantric Bathing, Genital Worshiping), and Tantric De-Armouring, among other techniques and methodologies.
In past years, the difference between treatment and training sessions in Tantric practices has become rather blurred. That is, you’ll find that Tantra training and coaching may be included in Tantric treatment modalities such as Tantric Massage, and vice versa that treatments may be included in Tantra coaching and training programs.
For instance, someone may be interested in resolving premature ejaculation through Tantric techniques. The Tantric coach may implement this in the form of semen retention training, through Tantric Sex education focused on intimacy and relationships, and/or by actually giving a Tantric Lingam Massage session with a focus on edging and orgasm control.
At any rate, depending on the issue at hand, Tantra coaches may offer their services live in-person or online, spoken, written, or through video, in a private or in a group setting, organized in the form of retreats or workshops. Offerings may include just one session, but it’s not uncommon that coaching rather spans multiple sessions.
Below then you’ll find our list of Tantra Coaching and Tantric Bodywork providers we’ve spotted in the Ottawa and Gatineau region, Canada.
Tantric Coaching and Massage Treatment Providers in Ottawa-Gatineau
Love & Ecstasy
Hamilton, Mississauga-Oakville, Gatineau, Mississauga, Montreal, Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec, Toronto
Quebec City (Ville de Québec), Gatineau, Montreal, Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec
Red Lotus Tantra
Alberta, British Columbia, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria