In this post, we offer you an overview of massage providers and therapists that offer Tantra massage and bodywork treatment services in the West Yorkshire Metropolitan Area, which included cities like Leeds, Bradford, Huddersfield, Wakefield, and so on.
Tantra Massage is primarily a Sensual Erotic Massage modality that aims at completely relaxing the receiver, awakening and circulating aroused sexual energy through the body, while often also focusing at freeing us from sexual traumas and inhibitions.
A Tantric Massage treatment is a massage modality for men and women, and commonly carried out as an unclothed, holistic Full Body Sensual Oil Massage. When specialized towards men or women, Tantra Massage is typically called Lingam Massage or Yoni Massage respectively.
Additionally, you will find that Tantric massages may also be offered as a Four Hands Massage, Couples Tantric Massage, Tantric De-Armouring, Prostate Massage or Sacred Spot Massage, among other denominations. A recent trend is that Tantra Massage treatments are often also a kind of workshop in which the receiver learns to apply Tantric concepts and techniques in their daily life.
In any case, there are many types of Tantric massages with different interpretations, focus, and/or additions, of which the actual applications very much depend on the background, lineage, and/or training of the massage therapist.
In addition, you may find that treatments include a set of accompanying Tantric rituals, such as Tantric Bathing, Tantric Eye-Gazing, Yoni or Lingam Worshiping, Tantric Breathwork, and more.
Tantra Massage sessions may be entirely spiritually oriented, others are rather aimed at sexual release and pleasure, and again others focus on Intimacy Coaching, on emotional and sexual trauma relief, or on practicing Semen Retention and Orgasm Control, just to give you an idea of the options.
At any rate, below then you’ll find our overview of the Tantra Massage providers we’ve been able to locate in the West Yorkshire area, England (UK).
Tantra Massage Treatment Providers in West Yorkshire
Awakening Your Inner Essence
UK (United Kingdom)
Bradford, Huddersfield, England, Leeds, Manchester, Yorkshire
Sacred Shanti
UK (United Kingdom)
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Nottingham, Sheffield, England, Leeds, Market Rasen
Sensual Bodyworks
UK (United Kingdom)
Coventry, Leicester, Leicestershire, Lutterworth, Northampton, Nottingham, Birmingham, England, Leeds, London, Manchester
Sian Johnson
UK (United Kingdom)
Barnsley, Bradford, Huddersfield, Sheffield, Skipton, England, Halifax, Leeds, Manchester, Rochdale, York
Tantra 4 Gay Men | UK
UK (United Kingdom)
Brighton & Hove, Bristol, Edinburgh, England, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Manchester, Scotland
Tantric Bodywork
UK (United Kingdom)
Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, England, Leeds, London, Scotland, York
Tantric Massage Temple
UK (United Kingdom)
Bradford, Huddersfield, England, Leeds, Manchester, Yorkshire
Vintage Twisted Tantra
UK (United Kingdom)
England, Wakefield, West Yorkshire