Tantra Massage is a sensual erotic Neo-Tantra massage treatment modality, and it usually consists of working with the entire body, which includes the erogenous zones.

A Tantric Massage is often purely pleasure based, but it can also be applied as a therapeutic healing modality. Mind that the masseur or masseuse is generally clothed; only the client is nude. Nevertheless, there are practitioners that offer variations, such as topless, nude, or body to body nude sessions of Tantra Massage.
The way Tantric Massage is offered varies a lot and depends much on the practitioner: it can be very much physically focused on the genitals, that is, on the Yoni or Lingam, or rather energetically aimed where sexuality is only a means to mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.
In any case, below you’ll find a selection of Tantric Massage treatment providers we’ve found in Pretoria, South Africa.
Tantric Massage Providers in Pretoria
Kashaya Tantra

South Africa
Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria
Sinfully Sensual Massage

South Africa
Cape Town, Durban, Gauteng, Johannesburg, KwaZulu-Natal, Pretoria, Western Cape
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