In this post, we offer you an overview of Tantra Massage providers that offer massage and bodywork treatment services in Connecticut. Think of places like Stamford, New Haven, and Hartford.
Tantra Massage is a Sensual Erotic Massage that focuses on arousing and circulating sexual energy through the body, often also aimed at freeing us from sexual inhibitions and traumas in order to come to a more authentic and loving way of experiencing ourselves and our daily life.
Tantric Massage was developed for both men and women, and is typically performed as an unclothed Full Body Oil Massage with a sensual, erotic touch. When it’s specialized towards either men or women, Tantric Massage is rather called Lingam Massage or Yoni Massage respectively.
You will also find that Tantric massages are offered as Four Hands Massage, Sacred Spot Massage, Sexual Dearmoring Massage, Prostate Massage, or Couples Tantric Massage.
There are different types of Tantric massages each with various interpretations, focus, and/or additions. You may also find offerings that explicitly include Tantric rituals, such as Tantric Bathing, Genital Worshiping and Honoring, Tantric Breathwork, or special elements of Tantric Sex, among other practices.
Keep in mind that the type of Tantric Massage you will receive depends much on the individual Tantric Massage therapist, that is, on their lineage, background, training, and the goal of a session.
Some Tantra Massage sessions are spiritually focused, others are rather aimed at sexual pleasure, and again others aim at emotional and sexual trauma release or healing sexual disorders, just to give you some examples.
For what it is, below then you’ll find the Tantra Massage treatment providers we’ve been able to locate in the state of Connecticut.
Tantra Massage Treatment Providers in Connecticut
Holistic Roadmap Home | Tantric Healing Guide
USA (United States)
Ivy Rosalia
USA (United States)
Chicago, Connecticut, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Stamford (USA)
Kali Anna | Tantra Stamford
USA (United States)
California, Connecticut, New York (State), New York City, San Francisco, Stamford (USA)
Love Passionately
USA (United States)
Middletown, Chester, Connecticut, Minneapolis, Minnesota, New Haven
Magical Hands by Trista
USA (United States)
Connecticut, Hartford, New York (State), New York City
Milking Goddess
USA (United States)
Connecticut, New Jersey, New York (State), New York City, Scarsdale, Westchester, White Plains
Tantric Priestess
USA (United States)
Fairfield, Connecticut, Greenwich (USA), New York (State), Stamford (USA), Westchester
Tonee Companion
USA (United States)
New England, Boston, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Miami, New Haven, New York (State), New York City, Washington D.C.