The label Tantra Massage is an umbrella term for massages that are based on Tantric concepts. In fact, there are many different types of Tantric massages, and there are really no actual standards to it. It all depends on what an individual practitioner defines as “Tantric.”

Most Tantra Massage instructors teach their own version (or a version) of Tantric Massage. As such, massage treatments can be wildly different: from clothed to unclothed Tantra massages, massages that do or don’t work with the genitals, internal or only external genital work, rather pleasure based or — by contrast —used for therapeutic purposes, or perhaps more focused on spiritual aspects, and so on.
In this post, we’ll give you an overview of the most popular and best-known massages that have “Tantric characteristics.” If we have written more in-depth on a specific type of Tantric Massage, you’ll find a link so that you can read more details about it.
Below then we’ve listed — in alphabetical order — a selection of some well-known and popular Tantric massages.
Dark Tantric Massage
A Dark Tantra Massage moves into BDSM, kink, and fetishism by using sensory play, sensation play, restraints, and sadomasochism in its sessions, but then in a space that’s both sacred and safe.
Kashmiri Tantra Massage
Kashmiri Tantra Massage is a type of Tantra Massage honoring Kashmir Shaivism, a lineage within Tantra emerging around 850 CE in the Kashmir region of Northern India.
Kinkassage™ is a sensual erotic massage modality that includes BDSM elements, genital worship, and, depending on having a penis or not, a Lingam Massage or Yoni Massage.
Lingam Massage
Lingam Massage is a Neo-Tantric massage modality and can be considered the male version of a Tantric Yoni Massage. Although a Lingam Massage is a specialization of a Tantra Massage focusing primarily on the male genitalia, it’s typically accompanied by a full body Tantric Massage.
Sacred Spot Massage
The phrases Sacred Spot Massage, G-Spot Massage, and P-Spot Massage are often used as synonyms, but there’s a difference in application when we look at how it functions for men or women.
For women it’s about massaging the G-Spot and the area around it. The G-Spot is located about an inch inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall.
The P-Spot Massage is designed for men, and is a massage of the prostate gland. Typically, it’s an internal massage performed by accessing the anus and rectal canal, but it may also be carried out externally.
Tantra Kundalini Massage
Tantra Kundalini Massage is a full body Tantric Massage treatment modality specifically aimed at working with the Chakras and awakening Kundalini Energy.
The term Tantrassage, a combination of the words Tantra and Massage, is an outdated designation for what now is called Tantra Massage or Tantric Massage. The term was more widely used between 2005 and 2015.
Tantric Breast Massage
Tantric Breast Massage focuses on the woman’s breasts and is primarily aimed at circulating and cultivating sexual energy, opening the heart, and enhancing the orgasmic experience. Additionally, it also makes the breasts firmer and healthier, promotes hormonal balance, and increases sexual pleasure and intimacy when applied by a partner.
Tantric Couples Massage
A Tantric Couples Massage is a sensual erotic Tantric Massage experience together with a partner, typically supported by a trained Tantra Massage practitioner and usually taking the form of a workshop.
Tantric De-Armoring

Tantric De-Armoring is usually aimed at sexual healing, notably emotional and trauma release in the sexual sphere, basically in order to overcome sexual inhibitions and sexual disorders, to improve intimacy and relationship competencies, and to again find pleasure in sexual activity.
The theory of Body Armoring is based on the idea that muscular tensions may reflect repressed emotions and trauma. These subconscious patterns may come to the surface by easing physical tensions that are associated with those, which can give the receiver insights in their habitual attitudes and their approach of life, while also enabling them to flush negative emotional content out of their system.
De-Armoring in Tantra can be applied as either external or internal bodywork, and may use a variety of Tantric techniques, such as Tantra Massage, Yoni Massage, Lingam Massage, Tantric Breathwork, visualizations, Prostate Massage, G-Spot Massage, Genital Mapping, meditation, Tantric rituals and ceremonies, mantras, and/or asanas (Yogic postures).
Taoist Tantra Massage
Taoist Tantra Massage is not really a specific type of massage, but rather a massage-blend that mixes Tantric and Taoist concepts and techniques in a treatment session.
Transformational Tantra Massage
Transformational Tantra Massage was developed by John Hawken, a teacher of Tantric energy work and Shamanic practices. As the name of the treatment modality already implies, Transformational Tantra Massage is about supporting a transformation, that is, a change in the life of the receiver.
Yoni Massage
Yoni Massage is a Tantric Massage specifically designed for women, or maybe better — for those people who own vaginas. It’s a sensual, erotic full body massage that nevertheless focuses on the female’s genitalia and erogenous zones. It can be applied simply for sensual and sexual pleasure, but also with a therapeutic aim, for instance as a means for sexual trauma release.
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