Thai Massage AAMT CE Providers in Thailand

 Published: Aug 24, 2018 | Revised: Sep 10, 2023

Thai Massage Massage & Myotherapy Australia CE Providers in Thailand

For Australian bodywork students or therapists who’d like to study Traditional Thai Massage in Thailand and at the same time seek Massage & Myotherapy Australia (AAMT) Continuing Education credits (CE points), there are just a few options.

In this post we list the Thai Massage schools in Thailand that comply. Of course, be aware that not all courses of the mentioned schools count towards AAMT CE points. Make sure to check with the Thai Massage school of your choice which courses or workshops are eligible for obtaining CE credits.

Below you’ll find the schools in Thailand that are CE providers certified by Massage & Myotherapy Australia (AAMT).

Sunshine Massage School

 Chiang Mai      
Sunshine Massage School building
The Sunshine Massage School in Chiang Mai is a reputable Traditional Thai Yoga Massage and Bodywork training center, not only known in Thailand, but also within the global Thai Massage community.

The training center offers solid Thai Yoga Massage beginner courses, applied fieldwork opportunities, a wide variety of advanced Thai Massage courses and special workshops, and tailored (individual) training programs.

International Training Massage School Chiang Mai (ITM)

 Chiang Mai      
ITM is a private vocational Thai Massage school located in Chiang Mai. The training center is a family run business and was founded in 1992 by Chongkol Setthakorn.

ITM is one of the best known Thai Massage schools both in Thailand and across the globe, and offers a wealth of Thai Massage training courses, including Thai Massage Instructor training.

Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai | TMC

 Chiang Mai      
The Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai, also known as TMC Chiang Mai or the Thai Massage School of Thailand, was founded in 2001. The Thai Massage School of Thailand was founded one year later in 2002. In fact, these are two distinct schools, but practically operating as one organization. They offer a broad variety of Thai Traditional Massage courses and a teacher training program.

Unfortunately, TMC School Thailand has been officially closed in April 2022, basically as a result of the pandemic. Nevertheless, all interest learners of genuine Thai Massage may take classes from TMC Teachers around the world.

The TMC School Website will remain running to be the link between TMC Teachers and the public. The TMC Teachers are qualified and have acquired all teaching materials from TMC School Thailand according to TMC’s course descriptions.

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