In Thai Massage, acupressure points — also called pressure points or acupoints — are said to be located on or along the Sen Sib Energy Lines. They are manipulated with a variety of techniques to release blocked energy and to activate or soothe energy in order to promote the free flow of Prana (Lom Pran) with an aim of establishing energy balance, health, and wellbeing.

Some acupressure points have more importance than others and may strongly influence physical or emotional-mental functions, internal organs, or body systems, and are used to treat certain specific discomforts and illnesses or to relieve pain.
These important Thai Acupressure Points are associated with the so-called Minor Chakras (Marma Points), the latter being the Indian Ayurvedic concept of Prana Life Force distribution centers.
In the chart displayed below we have pointed out some of the important pressure points used in Thai Massage, just to give you the idea. Note that there are actually a large number of acupressure points. Moreover, each location on a Sen Line is in fact considered to be an acupressure point.
Sib Sen Lines and Acupressure Points

In most cases, a give acupressure point corresponds with a certain Sen Energy Line (or several Sen Lines if they overlap) and (a part of) the functions and therapeutic indications of that/those particular Sen Line(s).
As a rule a Thai Massage therapist will treat all Sen Energy Lines during a Full Body Thai Massage session, while typically giving more emphasis on the major acupressure points found on the lines.
In Thai therapeutic sessions that focus on curing or alleviating a disease or discomfort, the Sen Lines and the corresponding acupressure points that are indicated for that specific ailment will be manipulated extensively.
Abdomen and Pelvis
Around the navel (umbilicus) we find quite a lot of pressure points that correspond with the starting locations of the Sen Sib Energy Lines. Hence, quite some attention will be given to work on that area in order to stimulate the intake and distribution of Lom Pran.
In addition, this area often contains a lot of muscle and myofascial tensions, contractions, and adhesions, typically caused by undigested emotional distress and trauma. It makes this part of the body a much treated region for De-Armoring treatments that focus on emotional and trauma release.
Another important reason to work on abdominopelvic area is to resolve issues with the internal organs, including the reproductive organs, and to treat sexual dysfunctions.
Face and Head
In the face, we also find an abundance of pressure points with a variety of functions related to the Sen Lines that end there or cross at those locations. Think of therapeutic indications in relation to the function of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth and jaws, but also the brain, psychological, and mental functions.
At the base of the skull we find acupressure points corresponding with several Sen Lines that cross the head. These are often manipulated to cure or alleviate neck pains and headaches.
Upper and Lower Limbs
The acupuncture points on the hands and feet are many, and just a fraction is shown in the chart above. You can find specialized feet or hands acupressure point charts (or maps) that aim at manipulating the entire body and its functions and organs based on the idea of reflexology. In fact, there are several Sen Lines or their extensions and branches that reach the hands and feet, making the feet and hands much worked areas.
And Finally
Other important acupressure point areas can be found right under the collar bone (clavicle), on top of the trapezius, around the scapula (shoulder blades), along the spine, at the lower back region and on the sacrum, on the buttocks, around the knees, and at the so-called Wind Gates locations.
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