There are a whole bunch of beautiful poses and postures used in Thai Massage, many of them derived from both (Indian) Yoga and Reusi Dat Ton (Traditional Thai Yoga).

In Yoga, these positions, the poses, are called Asanas. With Thai Massage, probably even more than in Yoga, most of these poses can be done in a myriad of ways — and that’s I think one of the many powerful features of Thai Massage.
As sometimes said, Thai Massage is “Yoga for Lazy People.” It means that the practitioner i.e. therapist does Yoga for you. And, just a little bit deeper, a bit farther than you can do it yourself. To get a better idea of a well-known Thai Massage position, just take a look at the Cobra Pose.
There are basically no wrong poses or wrong ways to do them, except for certain precautions to take into account. In fact, only results may vary. It all depends on what someone can handle. What’s good, what’s healthy for the receiver depends on their particular health issues, their flexibility, and vulnerabilities.
Sure, it’s always good to check first for contraindications and to go in slowly. Cautiously. There’s no wrong or right here. As said, it just depends.
It also depends on you, the practitioner — are you small or big, flexible or not, strong or not so. What can you handle? We all have our own limitations.
And it’s good to know what poses and positions do. What they can do. What they are supposed to do, and what their benefits and pitfalls are. That helps you to decide what to do or not to do at particular moments with particular clients.
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