In this post, you’ll find a quick reference list to the descriptions of each of the ten Thai primary Sib Sen Energy Lines.

The Sib Sen, also referred to as Sen Sib, Sen Sip, Sip Sen, or Sen Prathan Sib (“ten primary lines”), are thought to traverse the human body supplying it with Lom Pran (Prana Life Force), the latter thought to be indispensable to maintain the body’s functions and health.
In the Thai Healing Arts, notably in Thai Massage and Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga), you’ll find many techniques that aim at keeping the Sen Energy Lines open or at unblocking them either to prevent illnesses and discomforts or to alleviate and cure health conditions.
At any rate, in each of the ten articles listed below, you will find the trajectory (pathway or location) that the specific Sen Line takes/has through the body, including its Sen Line extensions and branches, and therapeutic indications.
Just follow the links to know more details about a Sen Line.