What Is a Transgender Transition Doula?

 Published: Jun 14, 2024 | Revised: Jul 20, 2024

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Transgender Transition Doulas, also called Gender Doulas or Transition Doulas, and not to be confused with Life Transition Doulas, are Doulas who provide non-medical trauma-informed and non-judgmental emotional, educational, informational, physical, advocacy and practical support to clients going through gender-affirming transitions.

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The clients can be identified as members of the LGBTQ+ community, such as people who are queer, transgender, gender nonconforming, non-binary, or otherwise, and seek gender-affirming care such as hormone therapy, and/or surgical, non-medical, or herbal transitions.

Tasks may include providing appropriate resources and referrals that focus on LGBTQ+ health care, accompanying people to healthcare providers, supporting clients practically and emotionally before and after surgical procedures, and in a general sense accompanying people in an often unwelcoming environment and helping them to navigate through it.

The Transgender Transition Doula is usually someone who also identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, having a deep understanding and lived experience of the issues the community needs to deal with in their daily lives.

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