What Is a Virtual Doula?

 Published: Jul 9, 2024

Doula giving virtual online services

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Although Virtual Doula services were initially born out of necessity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this model of offering services remains common even today, with both individual Doulas and Doula organizations offering virtual options of support.

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Virtual Doulas offer their services online, for instance through live online video conferencing, messaging, or phone calls.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that all their services are offered virtually or via distance contact. It may simply be an additional means of providing Doula support besides in-person attendance.

It can also be a means to support previous clients who have since relocated and want to keep using the Doula’s services, or because of other geographical constraints, merely out ease-of-use and convenience, or to lower the overall costs of service delivery.

For some types of Doulas it may suffice to only offer virtual contact with their clients, being able to offer much cheaper services. Think for instance of Menopause Doulas, Fertility Doulas, Life Transition Doulas, and Sex Doulas.

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