What is Bindegewebsmassage?

 Published: Jan 24, 2021 | Revised: Jan 2, 2025

What is Bindegewebsmassage

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Bindegewebsmassage was developed in Germany by Elizabeth Dicke in 1929. Bindegewebe is German for Connective Tissue.

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As the name already implies, Bindegewebsmassage is a Connective Tissue Massage technique where the therapist gently manipulates the loose connective tissue, working on both the superficial and deep fascia.

The technique, mainly used in Germany and in some other European countries, is applied to treat a wide range of issues, such as inflammatory conditions, adhesions, breathing problems, menstrual problems, frozen shoulder, bursitis, back pains, high blood pressure, migraines, and sinus conditions, to give some examples.

Treatments typically start at the sacrum and focus on work around the spine, but other parts of the body may also be worked on. A massage session takes between thirty and ninety minutes, oils, creams or lotions are not used, and the client receives the treatment in a sitting or lying position.

by TraditionalBodywork.com
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