What Is Genital Mapping?

 Date Updated: Mar 13, 2025

Woman pointing on a map with her fingers

Genital Mapping is an important therapeutic technique used within Somatic Sexology, and perhaps best known as a practice within Neo-Tantric therapies, Sexological Bodywork, and Somatic Sex Education.

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Although Genital Mapping is typically an activity carried out together with a somatic sex therapist or perhaps Tantric bodyworker, it can also be done alone, that is, by and for oneself.

Genital Mapping is aimed at revealing and understanding which (parts of) genital areas (penis, testicles, prostate gland, vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, and including the perineum, anus and rectum) are tense, hypersensitive, contracted, painful to the touch, blocked, or rather disassociated, numb or insensitive.

The points or areas in, at, and around the genitals that are affected are thought to be signs of some form of physical or emotional trauma or stress.

By bringing awareness to these areas, a start can be made to come to an understanding of what’s “wrong,” and enable subsequent healing, allowing a client to reconnect with their body and emotions, digest and flush out unnecessary, disturbing, or obsolete emotions and trauma, and again experience sensitivity and (sexual) pleasure.

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There are different forms of Genital Mapping, such as Yoni Mapping, Lingam Mapping, Anal Mapping, Pelvic Mapping and Prostate Mapping. Note also that mapping can be done manually, or by using certain tools and devices, such as, for instance, a Prostate Massager, Yoni Egg, or Yoni Wand.

After the actual mapping activity and analysis — and apart from coaching, counseling or professional psychological help — a range of massage and bodywork treatment modalities can come to help to resolve issues, such as Yoni Massage, Tantric Massage, Prostate Massage, Breathwork, Karsai Nei Tsang, Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage, Pelvic Floor Bodywork, or any other genital, abdominal, or De-Armoring treatment modality that is deemed efficient.

by TraditionalBodywork.com
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