Tao Yin, also referred to as Daoyin, Tao Yoga, Do-In, Chinese Yoga, or Taoist Neigong, is a system of Taoist body and mind unifying exercises practiced to cultivate Jing Essence, and direct, cultivate, and refine Qi Life Force. The exercises are considered part of Taoist and Traditional Chinese Medicine practices.

Exercises are usually divided into Yin exercises — lying and sitting exercises and positions — and Yang exercises — standing and moving positions. The practice includes self-massage, self-acupressure, and stretches.
It’s thought that Tao Yin was a forerunner of Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan, having been practiced in ancient Chinese Taoist monasteries for health, longevity, and spiritual cultivation.
Additionally, it’s also said that there are influences of Indian Yoga to be found in Tao Yin, notably the deep stretching exercises that resemble modern-day Yoga, but also aspects of so-called Kundalini Yoga.
Benefits of practicing Tao Yin are thought to be harmonization of Qi, enhancement of the autonomic nervous system, increase of mental capacity and mind control, increased perception and intuition, tranquility of the mind, spiritual growth, relaxation of the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, and general improvement of health, fitness, and structural body alignment, to name just a few advantages.
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