Where Would We Be Without Our Genitals?

 Published: Jan 9, 2025 | Revised: Feb 22, 2025

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The title of this post definitely sounds like a catchphrase or clickbait, but it really isn’t. It’s really a question Elissa and I regularly exchange when we again make a sale of a genital, sensual, sexual or (sexual) trauma related eBook.

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eBook - Genital Massage and Bodywork

Where Would We Be Without Our Genitals? Indeed, how would we live without it? It makes about three quarters of our monthly revenue in eBook and Video Workshops sales. You see, in 2019 we started with writing about Thai Massage and Thai Yoga. Although we didn’t have a life sustaining income from it at the time, it went rather well — so we thought. But then came the COVID-19 pandemic which suddenly forced us to rapidly change our direction, and we started focusing on other topics, notably the so-called “genitals.”

The reason for our switch was that Thailand travels and studying Thai Massage or Thai Yoga in Thailand totally collapsed in 2020 due to the pandemic. And so did our sales of related eBook publications. But to be honest, as I had studied Thai Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage I was already writing about it, and in it’s trail also about Thai Karsai Nei Tsang Genital Massage. In fact, in 2019, we had already published an eBook with the title Genital & Abdominal Bodywork in Thailand (which we don’t put for sale any longer today), and it simply was our best seller.

Now, when you work with Karsai Nei Tsang and Chi Nei Tsang, which have many Taoist influences interwoven in them, you almost automatically also enter the realm of Tantra. Actually, the Tantric-Taoist concepts and approach to massage and bodywork are quite similar. So naturally, it brought me to going more in-depth in this tandem, and publishing eBooks about it.

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The saying goes that “sex sells” and indeed it does. We discovered that our eBooks that covered sensual and/or sexual topics sell the best. Nonetheless, in our case it’s certainly not about pornography or something. It’s rather about what sensual, genital, or sexual massage and bodywork modalities can mean for people in the domains of pleasure, relaxation, reproductive organs, sexual disorders and dysfunctions, and sexual trauma healing.

Nonetheless, if you look at what we sell, you will see that the number of publications in “the sexual-genital realm” is only about 20% of what we’ve published so far. But this 20% makes 80% of our income. And the other 80% of eBooks and Video Workshops give us the additional 20%. It’s the 80/20 rule in practice (known as the Pareto principle), which means that 80% of what happens comes from 20% of causes. It’s a scientific theory, and you can see its workings in many areas of life.

For instance, in relation to our website, it also means that 20% of the articles/posts we publish bring 80% of our website visitors, and the other 80% of posts only bring us 20% of our website traffic. Anyway, to finally answer the rhetorical question “Where Would We Be Without Our Genitals?” Well, we would only make 20% of what we earn now, which would’ve made running a website for a living an impossibility. So — as you can imagine — we’re very happy to have our genitals 🙂

by TraditionalBodywork.com

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