Yoni Mapping | Exploration and Discovery of the Vagina and Vulva

 Date Updated: Mar 13, 2025

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Yoni Mapping, also called Vaginal Mapping, Vulva Mapping, or Vulva-Vaginal Mapping, is part of the Genital Mapping paradigm and an exploration and discovery of the internal and external parts of the Yoni in order to find areas of numbness, contraction, disconnection, and tension on the physical but also on the emotional and spiritual level.

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Although often used as synonyms, Vaginal Mapping would concern the internal female genital parts and Vulva Mapping rather the external genital parts. Vulva-Vaginal Mapping then would involve working with both the internal and external genital parts.

The use of the phrase Yoni Mapping intends to take Vulva-Vaginal Mapping a step further. In fact, a Yoni Mapping session deliberately has a more holistic focus, approaching a woman as a whole, including her interconnected physical, emotional, sexual, energetic, mental, and spiritual parts in the treatment.

In any case, the actual work involves creating a “map” of one’s inner world to find out what feels good, what feels not so good, what emotions are triggered when, where, and how, and with what parts of the genitals, and so on.

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One could say that it’s an awareness exercise for women, or perhaps rather therapy if one prefers, with an aim of coming to a deeper understanding of and connection with oneself, promoting self-awareness, self-love, self-care, and healthy sexuality. It’s also the start of a healing process, because all healing begins with being fully conscious of what’s “wrong” or what needs attention.

After having “mapped” the Yoni, several treatment modalities can come to help to resolve possible issues or to de-armor the Yoni physically and emotionally, such as Yoni Massage, Pelvic Release Massage, Karsai Nei Tsang, Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage, Yoni Wand and/or Yoni Egg exercises, or other sensual, abdominal/pelvic, and/or genital bodywork.

Typically, a Yoni Mapping therapist will be involved, although Self Yoni Mapping is likewise an option. The therapist will elaborately coach and talk with you, trying to bring to the surface what issues are concerned physically, emotionally, sexually, mentally, and spiritually. The therapist/practitioner will also explain all about the Yoni, its function, and its several relevant anatomical parts such as the pelvic floor, vagina, the vulva, clitoris, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, G-Spot, and so on.

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With consent, a start will be made to explore the Yoni externally and internally including other relevant areas such as the abdomen and pelvic area. Mind that some Yoni Mapping therapists/practitioners will first start with preliminary work such as Breast Massage, Full Body Sensual Massage, or Breathwork in order to open-up and relax the receiver and physically and emotionally prepare them for the more intimate Yoni Mapping session.

At any rate, Yoni Mapping can support women (or Yoni owners) in releasing tension in pelvic and abdominal muscles and ligaments, increasing sensitivity and body awareness, preparing for or recovering from childbirth, education about sexual anatomy, orgasms, sex and pleasure, releasing sexual shame or guilt, dealing better with menstrual pains, among a range of other benefits in relation to a woman’s sexuality and her genitals.

by TraditionalBodywork.com
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