Living with trauma and continuous emotional distress make life an unsatisfactory and unpleasant experience. Thus, helping people to heal from trauma and regain pleasure in life and living is an important goal of most somatic therapies.

Part of regaining pleasure is to be able to again enjoy one’s sexuality and sexual activity. In fact, struggling with sexual issues not only makes for an inauthentic way of going through life, it usually also negatively affects romantic relationships, self-esteem, self-worth, self-expression, creativity, and one’s overall wellbeing.
Sexual uneasiness and feelings of shame, guilt, or fear around sex — to give some examples — can lead to somatic tensions and blockages in the genital area of those affected. This is a normal psychosomatic reaction, but nonetheless one that significantly affects one’s quality of life.
Eventually — for women (or Yoni owners) — these genital tensions and blockages may result in a variety of sexual disorders or dysfunctions, such as pain during sexual intercourse, low libido, vulvodynia, or vaginismus, among other issues.

The above takes away much of the pleasure one can have during an intimate sexual encounter with another person, or can even lead to avoiding having any sexual contact at all, with all the undesirable consequences that has for one’s partner relationships and for oneself.
Therefore, an important activity within Yoni Mapping is to restore the ability to experience pleasure in sex or to explore additional ways to enhance pleasure.
Typically, the Yoni Mapping therapist will start with identifying the parts of the female genital organs that evoke unpleasant emotions when touching or manipulating them. That is, conscious awareness of “what feels good and what feels not so good” can be the start of a healing process, or sometimes even function as a healing process by itself.
All by all, regaining pleasure, that is, regaining anxiety-free, guilt-free and pain-free sexual pleasure in lovemaking, and experiencing freedom in one’s sexual expression isn’t just an end; it’s also an important means to be able to again enjoy one’s life as a whole.
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