Yoni Prakshalanam | Ayurvedic Therapy for Gynecological Health

 Date Updated: Jan 17, 2025

Yoni Prakshalanam | Indian Ayurvedic Therapy for Gynecological Health

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Yoni Prakshalanam — also called Yoni Kshalanam, Yoni Dhavana, or Yoni Dhawan — is a widespread Ayurvedic therapy treatment used in India, designed for women, and aiming at being a remedy for a series of gynecological complaints.

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The word Prakashalanam comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit language and means washing or bathing. It’s a vaginal douche applied by cleansing i.e. rinsing the vagina (vaginal opening, vaginal canal, and the mouth of uterus) with a decoction of herbs and medicated oils using sterilized equipment. The medicated oil or herbal decoction is passed through the vaginal canal to finally reach and penetrate the uterus up to the ovaries.

For the actual treatment, the woman is made to lie in lithotomy position. Then the rinsing is done using an artery forceps, Cusco’s self-retaining speculum and a silicon douche bulb or special douche syringe. After the wash, the woman is asked to keep lying down for a specified time.

It’s thought that this treatment alleviates all kinds of general gynecological disorders, such as genital inflammations, fibroids, ovarian cysts, leucorrhea (excessive vaginal discharge), burning sensations and itch, fungal and yeast infections, irritable bowel syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, and urinary tract infections. It’s even claimed to be supportive in curing infertility issues.

The treatment is usually repeated daily during a number of days, often seven to ten days.

by TraditionalBodywork.com
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