The term Zen Yoga is actually a general denominator used to refer to Yoga modalities that blend ancient Indian Yoga and Zen Buddhism practices. Zen Yoga practices may include Yoga asanas (postures), stretches, Breathwork techniques, flowing sequences (Vinyasas), and Tai Chi movements, among other elements.

Zen Yoga Breathwork then is a Zen Yoga modality developed by Aaron Hoopes, and is a combination of Zen Meditation, Tai Chi movements, stretching exercises of Shanti Yoga, and Qigong breathing techniques.
As such, the practice is a blend of breathing, moving, stretching, and relaxation exercises, considered suitable for anyone regardless of age or physical condition, with the ultimate goal of experiencing a new way of living.
Zen Yoga is designed as a holistic system uniting all aspects of the human self by addressing the fundamental needs of physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual peace. It’s thought that through this integration, the practice creates flexibility, health, vitality, and peace of mind.
It’s thought that additional health benefits can include reduction of stress and anxiety, detoxification of body and mind, increased metabolism, improved blood, lymph, and energy circulation, relief of chronic pains and tensions, better health, more vigor, and longevity.
You can learn more about this practice on Aaron Hoopes’ Art of Zen Yoga website.
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